You miiight notice an odd word out there in that title. The last two years I’ve written up some Game of the Year articles around this time.
This year, I’m not doing that.
For two reasons.
First off, I simply didn’t play that many games
that came out in 2016 this year. It’s weird, but I listed them up and I
have barely finished any of them and the rest didn’t come out this year,
so ranking them like usual felt off.
So I decided that fuck it, I’m not doing that. Instead I’ll just talk about the good ones I played.
second reason is that this year has been… phoof. You know. So I wanted
to hopefully bring some happiness by sharing the great things I found or
that happened during 2016.
And more stuff happened than just games. And I want to talk about more than just games. So let’s do it.
Rules: I won’t stay long on each, and probably barely describe most. There are too many things to cover for that to make sense. I’ll just mention them, provide a link and maybe share a tidbit or so about what it is and what I think.
It’ll no doubt be an eclectic mix of a lot of disparate things, and I can’t guarantee you’ll like all of it. But everything on here is something I consider amazing, otherwise I’d have cut it. It’s my list. If anything sounds appealing, give it a go (or a listen, or a play, or a nice pat or something). You are also welcome to skip around if you are not interested in a category or item. You're reading it.
Sound good?
Let’s get on with it.
(oh yeah, also, within the categories,
everything is roughly presented chronologically of when I discovered it,
so you can follow my year in a strange way.)
Escape Artist - Zoe Keating [SONG. On "Into the Trees"]
solo cellist making really wonderful soundscapes. I found it from The
Witness Trailer [LINK], and immediately dug up the album. The whole
album is great, but this song is spectacular.
Waters of Megalovania - BotanicSage (Toby Fox & Justice) [SONG]
A mash-up of Megalovania from Undertale and Justice’s Waters of Nazareth, and by far my favorite version of Megalovania. I love the repeats (uh, music terminology lacking) at 0:52.

program music II - Kashiwa Daisuke - [ALBUM]
Already wrote about this guy extensively here,
so this shouldn’t be a surprise. This album is neoclassical electronica
without the electronica. Songs to give a listen: City in the lake,
Do Lab Coachella Mix - The Glitch Mob [DJ MIX]
Also wrote about these guys before,
but a while ago. I’ve continued to listen to this mix all year, and
it’s a magnificent return with remixes of their best songs from the
first album “Drink the Sea”. Especially the last marathon starting at
52’ish of Animus Vox, Fly by Night, Warrior Concerto, Fortune Days (best
version of Fortune Days!), and We Can Make the World Stop, is just so,
so good.
Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Soundtrack - Marcin Przybylowicz, Mikolai Stroinski & Piotr Musial [ALBUM]
If you read last year’s Game of the Year, it’s no secret that I love The Witcher, and its soundtrack. And “Blood and Wine”’s expansion soundtrack is similarly amazing. There’s a climax in “On the Champs-Désolés” at 1:15 that just guts me every time.
Light of the Seven - Ramin Djawadi [SONG. On "Game of Thrones Season 6 Soundtrack"]
just that one song. If you’ve seen Game of Thrones, it’s the piano song
that plays when Cersei… does her thing in the end of this season.
Really nice piano track that complimented the action amazingly.
Seeing What's Next (Kevin Frey Remix) - Kevin Frey [SONG] (and a bunch of other stuff on the Rocket League Soundtrack.)
song accompanied the “Neo Tokyo” trailer for Rocket League, and marked
me starting to pay more attention to the music in Rocket League. And
hey, this song is still really good.
Skin - Flume [ALBUM]
continue to have a completely mixed relationship with Flume. Some of
his stuff is fantastic, the rest is… a bit bland. This album is the
same. The three tracks I’ll recommend are Numb and Getting Colder, Wall
Fuck, and Helix, for having, potentially, the best intro I have ever
heard. Seriously, if nothing else, listen to the first 1:30 minutes of this.

No Man's Sky Soundtrack: Music for an Infinite Universe – 65daysofstatic [ALBUM]
one thing I dislike about all the talk about No Man’s Sky is how
quickly everyone forgot how amazing the soundtrack is. This is the
reason to pay attention to this game, in my opinion, regardless what you
feel about any other part of it. Songs: Supermoon, Red Parallax,
Blueprint to an Old Machine.
Dayvan Cowboy – Boards of Canada [SONG]
heard the name Boards of Canada for ages (a side effect of hanging
around electronic music subreddits for a while), so I knew this was a
band with a lot of merit, but I never really caught onto them. This
song, though, is phenomenal. The guitars coming in at 2:06 are just spectacular and round and wonderful.
Strobe - Deadmau5 [SONG]
Betcha that one seems out of left-field. Also, it’s a kinda old song by
now. But I’d never really given it a listen until now. Heard some of
the Radio version before and didn’t get what the fuss was about (and
man, there is a lot of fuss about this song, so much is has its own subreddit). But the full version is actually fantastic. That slow, slow buildup.
Epoch – Tycho [ALBUM]
strikes again with his newest album, following similar sounds as Awake,
but with both a more electronic and raw feel. It’s great. Phenomenal
work music.
Mafia III soundtrack – Jesse Harlin and Jim Bonney [ALBUM]
A game set in 60’s New Orleans and nailing it with
the music. Both the licensed soundtrack (which is star-studded to the
brim) and the original score is spectacular at nailing the aesthetic.
It’s old school Blues written for a video game.
signs from the past - films [ALBUM]
described this as "dark fantasy melancholic Japanese electronica" in a
tweet. Despite it's Kashiwa Daisuke mastering props, it came out of
nowhere for me, and I really like it. Tracks to give a listen: snow in
midsummer, kumioto, gentle rain.
Good Times Roll - GRiZ [SONG]
one caught me like a whirlwind. A happy, soul-y glitch hop song that
I’ve listened to a ton these past few months. And editing a video with
it sure makes me listen to it a lot, too. And still liking a song after
editing to it is a testament to a good song.
Watch Dogs 2 Soundtrack - Hudson Mohawke [ALBUM]
video game soundtrack to a game I haven’t played. When I saw this was
created by Hudson Mohawke, I knew this could be special. And boy, just
listen to the opening of the first track, Shanghaied. That choir.
The DOOM Soundtrack - Mick Gordon [ALBUM]
not a big fan of metal, so I wouldn’t think this soundtrack would
appeal to me. And parts of it are too metal, but when it goes and mixes
it with the industrial grimy stuff it becomes wonderfully powerful. And
seeing how it works in-game is just spectacular.
(platform indicates what I played it on)
Rocket League – Psyonix [PC]
my rules to include this. Yeah, I’m still playing it. Obsessively. And
they’ve continued to support it with fantastic (free) content over the
year. This is my “I’ve got 5 minutes to kill”-game and my multiplayer
focus at the moment. It’s practically taken over StarCraft as the game I
play beside other games—even though I’m definitely worse at it than

Undertale – Toby Fox [PC]
forgot about this one, played it so early in the year. But of course I
liked Undertale. After all the crazy talk around this game I doubt I
liked it as much as I could have had I played it in a vacuum—but I’d
probably never given it a shot without. And I didn’t get the true ending
but watched it on YouTube. That game does some really cool things, and I
really admire it. However, I’m not sure I love it in the way other
people do.
The Witness – Thekla, Inc. [PC]
puzzle design, great visuals, wonderful atmosphere. A game I was
playing intensely for a very short period of time. I still want to go
back to it, but I never did. Had a magical moment where I printed out
some of the puzzles and showed them to my parents and we solved them
Rise of the Tomb Raider – Crystal Dynamics [PC]
something about the movement in these new Tomb Raiders that I really
enjoy. Wish they were less Uncharted and more, you know, “Tomb Raiding”,
but this one’s more of this than the previous one. So, Good. Really
hope they’re ready to tackle some longer quiet sections in the next one.
But that can be said about a lot of games.
Sunless Sea – Failbetter [PC]
up “Fallen London”’s phenomenal writing and tone with a methodically
paced sailing rogue-like and you’ve got a good combo. In this game I
helped a group of rats take over an island and sold sunlight on the
black market. If that doesn’t sell it, I can’t help you.
The Black Watchmen – Alice & Smith [PC]
offline ARG spawned from the best parts of “The Secret World”. I wish
I’d played this more, but the puzzles are not super well optimized for
single-person play (by design, probably, since they were ARG puzzles),
which makes it a tough game to keep coming back to.

The Beginner's Guide – Everything Unlimited Ltd. [PC]
game blew me away. A game about someone exploring a friend’s games, and
discovering uncomfortable truths. It’s possibly my favourite game I
played this year. If you haven’t played already, it’s only 2 hours long
or so, and well, well worth your time. Especially if you’re any kind of
creative. I’m still thinking about it to this day.
Overwatch – Blizzard [PC]
positive, bright team shooter. It’s solid, well made, and generally a
really good game… that I didn’t play much. Not sure why, I just never
fully clicked with it, and saw plenty others lose themselves to it in a
way I just didn’t. I guess I was still too busy playing Rocket League.
Dark Souls III – From Software [PC]
more Dark Souls. And that’s a-ok. It has one of the best “oh, I’ve been
here before”-moments I’ve seen. Got stuck in a rut with it earlier this
year, but now I’m finally starting to near the end and loving it again.
No Man's Sky – Hello Games [PC]
mention this here not because the game is amazing but because the
soundtrack is. You might say I already put that in the music section but
seriously... Would I have wanted more? Sure. But if this game delivers
on one thing, it is tone—and that’s not an easy thing to pull off.
Witcher 3: Blood and Wine – CD Projekt Red [PC]
No. This might actually be my Game of the Year. And it’s an expansion.
But with a playtime of 20 hours, full characters, plenty of sidequests
and a region that’s plenty large to explore, this would have been
accepted as a full game if it had released as such.
Fallout 4 – Bethesda Softworks [PC]
I already shared ample thoughts on this here and here.
This game was made infinitely better by playing on Survival and not
caring about the main quest. I had a great 30 hours or so like that,
before mods began acting up and I moved country and then I couldn’t get
all my mods working again.
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma – Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd. [PC]
conclusion of the strangest rollercoaster ride of a game series and a
game I never thought I’d actually play (because it got cancelled a
couple of year ago). If you’re interested, wait for 999 and Virtue’s
Last Reward (the first two games in the series) to come out on PC (which
I believe they were announced to be), and play those. These games must be played in order.
HITMAN – IO Interactive [PC]
only played the first level so far, as I haven’t bought the full thing.
But from this and Giant Bomb’s absolute glee and excellent coverage
over this game, I’m already aware this is a good Hitman game. Excited to
play through the rest. (I have since bought and played 1 more mission.
It continues.)

Reigns – Nerial [Mobile]
mobile game about tiny decisions that govern a kingdom. You’ll reign,
die, and become a new king in minutes, each year over in a single swipe.
It’s effective.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate – Ubisoft [PC]
this game while in London had a special appeal. Trudging around 1868
London while being able to walk around the exact same square the day
after was a neat experience. Other than that, this is a competent
Ubisoft Open World game.
Stardew Valley – ConcernedApe [PC]
wish I got into this game more. I just haven’t been able to. I
understand its appeal. I understand why some people love it. I just
don’t think I’m the right type of person.
Firewatch - Campo Santo [Playstation 4]*
star here is that I only played the first hour or two at a friends’,
and haven’t actually played it through (yet!). But I’m already aware
that I love what this game is doing, and really want to see the end.
Thumper and Overcooked – Drool and Ghost Town Games [Playstation 4][Playstation 4]*
In the same vein, I also only tried these briefly, but they are both fantastic.
Time Run, The Celestial Chain (Escape Room) – Time Run [Escape Room]
to be one of the best Escape Rooms in London, and I can see why. The
production values in here are phenomenal and the puzzles are really
Leo’s Path & Kill M.A.D - Archimedes Inspiration [Escape Rooms]
phenomenal Escape Rooms I played this year. These ones (especially
Leo’s Path) are very different from most Escape Rooms. They manage to
tell a story throughout the game in a far more effective way than most
Escape Rooms, and patter it through the mechanics. Leo’s Path is also a
far more relaxed environment despite being a timed puzzle challenge, and
Kill MAD has a really solid, twisted story and some excellent puzzles.
Bad News – James Ryan, Ben Samuel and others [Uhhhh.... Interactive Theatre?]
caveat, I didn’t play this game at all. But since most of you can’t
anyway, I’ll mention it regardless. Because this game is super cool. A
social town simulation coupled with a real life actor, and you’re a
mortician’s assistant tasked with informing the next of kin that a
person died. It’s powerful, unique, and a great prospect for the future
of Interactive Storytelling.
The Name of the Rose – Umberto Eco
classic by all accounts. Doubt I have to give this one much
introduction. But I really enjoyed it. A book that is as in-depth about
its murder mystery as it is its discussion of the ethics of laughter.
Wonderful stuff.
American Gods – Neil Gaiman
understand why everyone likes Neil Gaiman now. With Ocean at the end of
the Lane last year, this and Neverwhere (further down), I can
absolutely understand. American Gods is a fascinating depiction of
mythology and America.
Empires of EVE – Andrew Groen
book about stories that happened inside the revelatory, scary, insane
game “Eve Online”. It has stories about the rise and fall of empires,
leaders, juggernauts and individuals. It’s stories about war and
diplomacy, about propaganda and leisure. It’s almost scary how well
virtual wars reflect real ones.
Sword of Destiny and The Tower of Swallows – Andrzej Sapkowski
Books! More Witcher! I’ll leave it at that. Don’t read these first, as
this is the second short story collection and book 4. But I will say
that I really enjoyed both of them. Only one Witcher book left now…
Planetfall - Emma Newman
to me by a podcast, I bought this on a whim after hearing the premise.
And what a premise it is: The first people to leave earth have colonized
a new planet and they have found God’s City—which they now live at the
foot of. What’s in there? No one has found out, and no one is willing
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child – J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany
course I read this. It’s a fan-service-y add-on story that is mostly
fun because it’s just… more Harry Potter. The story itself is a kinda
bland and leans upon one of the weaker elements of the series, but I
would be lying if I said I didn’t gobble this up.
Dresden Files 3: Grave Peril – Jim Butcher
have tried getting into The Dresden files for about two years now. I
read the first book, and didn’t really get it. Then I read the second
after a while and still didn’t really get it. Then I read the third
book. And now I’m starting to get it.
Neverwhere – Neil Gaiman
had bought this on sale about six months before I actually read it and
had almost forgotten about it. But when I did I was in London and I
realized that this book literally takes place in London. And it uses
London fantastically, and is a joyous book well worth reading, even if
you’re not in London.
Ghost Talkers - Mary Robinette Kowal
the one who recommended Planetfall). A book about spiritual mediums in
WWI, using dead soldiers to inform them about the enemy strategy by
talking about how they died. A clever premise and a great story.
Dresden Files 4: Summer Knight – Jim Butcher
Then I read book four. Now I get it.
(these are smashed together because I don't watch a lot of either.
Also these things are impossible to credit inclusively, so I'll just be
writing the creator/director :/)

Orange Is the New Black Season 4 – Jenji Kohan [TV SERIES, NETFLIX]
mother of those last two episodes. Some of the best TV I have seen in…
ever. A wonderful, deep, respectful look at race, women, prisons, and
criminals. Also shoutout to Muddy Waters from LP (song) for its use in
the final episode. Damn, that was effective. Whatever last season
lacked, this one makes up for and then some. Best season by far.
Before Midnight – Richard Linklater [FILM]
finished this trilogy. I watched it super slowly, but I really enjoyed
all three of them. I was recommended them for the dialogue, and that is
absolutely why you should watch. Clever, insightful, real dialogue between two people, following them through the better part of their adult lives, through three key snapshots.
Mr Robot season 2 – Sam Esmail [TV SERIES]
Robot continues to be great—after a bit of a slow start to this new
season, it finally started to pick up momentum again at the end and pull
its wonderfully surprising twists and turns. One of the greatest
single-track suspense cuts (I don’t know what to call it, the
intercutting between different scenes to the same track of music.
Cristopher Nolan does it a lot) I’ve seen.
The World’s End – Edgar Wright [FILM]
first glance, not my typical movie, I thought. But I watched this
because of Movies with Mikey (see below), and it surprised me how on
point it was. If you don’t know anything about it, good. Watch it
without spoilers. This movie goes places.
Stranger Things - The Duffer Brothers [TV SERIES, NETFLIX]
all the things are accurate. This is pretty darn great. An homage
beyond just an homage to the 80’s, or at least, how we view the 80’s
Exit Through the Giftshop – Banksy [DOCUMENTARY FILM]
movie you should watch basically without spoilers. It’s a movie about
Banksy—but not at all. It’s a movie about art and artists, about
documentaries and creativity, about street art and the people who make
it. And about the guy who decided to point a camera at them.
(impossible to categorize stuff that nonetheless has shaped my year for the better)
Movies With Mikey – Mikey Neumann [YOUTUBE SHOW]
Hooh boy. This is the greatest thing on YouTube. Ok, maybe slight hyperbole, but this is the one thing you have to watch. And it’s only getting better. It’s a clever, insightful, groundbreaking show about movies that above all decides to be positive and celebrate what’s good. He only looks at movies he likes and only talks about what makes them great. And that is so, so refreshing in a culture where most movie shows on YouTube is about how many mistakes they make. Go watch this episode about The Force Awakens, or The Dark Knight, or Interstellar (which made me appreciate that movie a lot more), or read this article as it describes it far better. This is a must watch if you like movies (and I don’t especially watch that many movies, so go watch even if you don’t.
Monster Factory – Justin and Griffin McElroy [YOUTUBE SHOW]
YouTube show, this one about creating lovable monsters in video games,
using the in-built character creation menus—and occasionally a little
console hacking. However, the magic comes in in how the McElroy brothers
create characters and stories through their creations, often
intentionally breaking or subverting what the game wants them to do.
It’s delightful.
Danny O’Dwyer left Gamespot I got a bit sad, as I had really enjoyed
what he brought to the site (and Giant Bomb). But when I saw that this
was what he started instead, all my worries went away. Noclip is a
channel devoted to making in-depth documentaries about video games. And
seeing the first two he’s put up, he’s setting a really high bar for
himself. Can’t wait to see what he’ll bring in 2017.
London – British People [CITY]
It's a city. I like it.
The Museum of Jurassic Technology [MUSEUM]
is a museum in L.A. about the strangest things. And I mean that both
literally and not. It’s a really difficult place to explain, but the
basic gist is that it’s a museum of technology that is no longer
“technology” because it’s too old. Some of the most ordinary stuff they
have is old theatre mechanisms and Pepper’s Ghost illusions. And then
far, far, far weirder stuff. It’s really unexplainable. Just, if you
find yourself in L.A., take a look. It’s an experience worth having.
Mink described this place as “no matter where in the world you place
this, it’d probably still be the strangest thing there.”
“Victoria and Albert Museum” in London is a museum I didn’t know of
(which is probably more my fault than anything else) but it might be my
favourite museum in the city. It’s primarily an art and design museum,
but they do really great events and cool things to both modernize and
keep the history intact. For example, the first time I was there they
did a music event where a musician was up on a stage doing an interview
and they had and actual mixer set up with pre-recorded tracks so you
could try mixing things yourself (among a lot of other things). And the
other time was for a game mini-conference where the whole museum was
littered with different games—all in rooms with Renaissance paintings
and art from all over the world.
So I don’t know if recommending it
actually makes sense, since I’m enamoured with it because of my exact
experiences, but it’s still worth a visit. And, it’s huge, anyway, so
you’re bound to find something you like in there.
Waypoint – Austin Walker, Patrick Klepek, Danielle Riendeau, Danika Harrod and other Vice staff [WEBSITE]
is a new gaming website started by (what I know as) previous Giant Bomb
staffers Austin Walker and Patrick Klepek, who are two fantastic news
reporters, editors and journalists who talk about video games. Which is
not to forget Danielle Riendeau, and Danika Harrod (whom I didn’t know
before this), and you have a dream team of writers for that place. It’s
intelligent, funny conversations and articles about video games, and
it’s exactly what I felt was lacking since Austin left Giant Bomb.
Friends at the Table – Austin Walker and Friends [PODCAST]
Walker gets to be on my list twice, that’s how good he is. Friends at
the table is a role-playing podcast, and it’s so, so good. I’ve known
about it for a while, but never dipped in until recently, and I’m very
glad I did. It’s collaborative storytelling at a very high level, and
the stories they tell are fantastic.
So there you have it! These are things I loved this year. I probably
missed some, forgot some, or otherwise misplaced some. I've no idea if
any of it makes any sense, but it was fun to gather for me.
Do with this as you will.