Football I love football. It taught me that it hurts less when I fly at it head-first. It taught me to appreciate play over victory. October 29th, 2017 This Sunday Morning Game: Majora's Mask Part 23, September 13th, 2020 See older Sunday Morning Games “Sit Down”: My Invisible Game I made a game...I don’t even remember when… And I never talked about it. Time to rectify that. And explain why I didn’t. Oct 8, 2017 My Favourite Moment in Horizon Was a Single Shiver While I played Horizon: Zero Dawn , something magical happened completely by accident: Aloy shook her head. Oct 1, 2017 Wait, Why Don't I Believe In God? A reflection upon the nature of god and storytelling and why god is other people. Sep 24, 2017 A Moment Apart: Album Review So, uh.. I wanted to do something as archaic as an album review. The sounds we fall in love with... Sep 17, 2017 Master's Thesis I wrote a Master's Thesis on The Narrative Quality of Games and Play. I think you should read it. You know. If you want. Jul 18, 2017 July 9th, 2017 Purr Poem. About Cats and touch and desire. My Master Graduation Ceremony Speech I was asked to do a speech at our Master's Graduation Ceremony. It went pretty well! Jun 30, 2017 "What Are You Playing?" An attempt to clarify why Video Games are difficult to talk about, and why that matters. May 14, 2017 May 6th, 2017 Child Creator Prose, Future Page 5 of 12 (120 total entries) « 12345678...1112 »