My Hair I was too shy to actually admit all this to someone. Now, I’m admitting it to the internet. Oct 5, 2015 Early Thoughts on Environmental Storytelling I thought I’d be a little clever and tie blog writing together with my school work. So here’s my initial thoughts on environmental storytelling in games, both theory and practice. Sep 27, 2015 Projects (Fall 2015) For the first part of my new-fangled idea of writing once a week comes a little breakdown of what I'm working on currently. Sep 6, 2015 Year Recap (2014-2015) I have now had this blog for (over) a year! Aug 31, 2015 Arvon I went to Arvon and I have a few things to say about it! Aug 5, 2015 WAG Blogs I made a game in a month for the WAG Challenge. This is my collection of weekly blogs logging the development. Jul 2, 2015 WAG!? I'm participating in the WAG Challenge! May 30, 2015 WORLDS I made a thing where I turned a thing I like into a shorter thing. Here's why. May 17, 2015 Showing Your Work I just discovered this thing I wrote six months ago. And it's kind of ironic, but also really perfect. May 3, 2015 Giant Bomb ROM: We're all Wizards Game Jam Blog! I made a game for the Giant Bomb ROM game jam. About being a Wizard! Apr 10, 2015 Page 7 of 9 (87 total entries) « 123456789 »