Wait, Why Don't I Believe In God? A reflection upon the nature of god and storytelling and why god is other people. Sep 24, 2017 A Moment Apart: Album Review So, uh.. I wanted to do something as archaic as an album review. The sounds we fall in love with... Sep 17, 2017 Master's Thesis I wrote a Master's Thesis on The Narrative Quality of Games and Play. I think you should read it. You know. If you want. Jul 18, 2017 My Master Graduation Ceremony Speech I was asked to do a speech at our Master's Graduation Ceremony. It went pretty well! Jun 30, 2017 "What Are You Playing?" An attempt to clarify why Video Games are difficult to talk about, and why that matters. May 14, 2017 Nordic Game Jam, and That Time I Killed a Mouse Makin' video games, and contemplating the existential dread that comes from realizing you're powerful enough to take the life of a living being and feeling terrified and sad at the same time that the world is made out of tiny, insignificant creatures that just try to survive.... Apr 29, 2017 I Was in London A collection of what I did Mar 1, 2017 Stuff of the Year 2016 A long list of stuff I liked in 2016 Jan 4, 2017 Game-in-a-Week (July 26-Aug 2): Medieval Shuffle I made a game in a week! Here's what I did. (All the previous blogs gathered into one) Sep 11, 2016 Projects (Fall 2016) Sep 11, 2016 Page 5 of 9 (86 total entries) « 123456789 »